2020年4月10日,团队篇名为《A numerical study of heat transfer effects and aerodynamic noise reduction
in superheated steam flow passing a temperature and pressure regulation valve》在《Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications》期刊发表(SCI/IF=1.953)。该文章研究以温压调节阀的主要部件之一文丘里管为研究对象,在不同的热条件下,对过热蒸汽的流动进行了研究,分析了热传递对声功率的影响。
引用:Qian, J. Y., Chen, M. R., Jin, Z. J., Chen, L. H., Sunden, B. (2020). A
numerical study of heat transfer effects and aerodynamic noise reduction in
superheated steam flow passing a temperature and pressure regulation valve. Numerical
Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 10(77), 873-889.